Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Graphic Organizer Roulette

If you haven't checked online for graphic organizers to share with students, here is a link to one source: If you google graphic organizers you'll get lots of sites.
At times, I have just given students a packet/bank of about 20 to keep in their notebooks, and one activity (can be group or individual) would be to pick one that might work for the content/assignment/topic and fill it out, kind of a "graphic organizer roulette." I had them recreate it so they would always have the bank to refer to. You could also have them recreate it filled out on larger sheets of paper and use that in a gallery walk. Yesterday I did a similar assignment (using visual representations instead of graphic organizers) and had them work in pairs--then once the papers were hung, one person stayed and one strayed--went around to the other stations. So the one who stayed became the docent and explained the visual to the strayers as they progressed around the room at my signal. Part way through, the pairs switched and the former docents became the strayers.

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